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R. Díaz Bravo
"Aprendiendo variedades del espan¿ol con la metodologi¿a de la clase invertida", "ELE-UK (UK Association for the Teaching of Spanish in Higher and Adult Education) Annual Conference: Research and Practice in ELE", None-None, 2018
R. Díaz Bravo
"Characterisation of learned characters in the Retrato de la Loc¿ana andaluza", "Languages Acts and World Making First Conference. Languages Memory", None-None, 2018
M.T. Garcia Godoy
"El tratamiento madama en la historia del español", " Seminario internacional I+D+i ¿Los tratamientos nominales en la historia del español¿", None-None, 2018
R. Díaz Bravo
M. Jiménez-Naranjo,
"Engaging students through flipped learning and peer- teaching in the Spanish language classroom: preliminary results", "3rd UK-Lingua Colloquium, Multilingual language learning and teaching colloquium", None-None, 2018
M.T. Garcia Godoy
"La desconocida historia de su merced como tratamiento informal en Cuba", "XI Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Lengua Española", None-None, 2018
R. Díaz Bravo
"Las variedades dialectales del espanñol a traveés de la historia", "UCL Seminars of Spanish Linguistics", None-None, 2018
R. Díaz Bravo
"Linguistic Characterisation of learned characters in the Retrato de la Loçana andaluza", "Languages Memory Conference", None-None, 2018
M.A. Gallardo Vigil, G. Rojas Ruiz
M.Á. López Vallejo,
"Trabajando en el aula las actitudes positivas hacia la diversidad sexual", "6th international congress of educational sciences and development", None-None, 2018
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024